What is a Telematics policy?

You may have heard of telematics as a form of insurance policy, but you aren’t very sure of what it actually is. Telematics is also known as Blackbox insurance and allows you to have your car insurance based on how you drive rather than based on the insurance premium of ...

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What is the difference between comprehensive and third party insurance?

You will have heard of comprehensive insurance as well as third party, and even third party fire and theft. But do you know what the difference between them is? What is third party insurance? Third party cover is the lowest level on vehicle insurance we sell. It covers you for ...

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I’ve just passed my test, how do I get insurance?

I’ve just passed my test, how do I get insurance? So you’ve passed your driving test. Congratulations! If you are keen to get on the road you need to make sure you are insured or that shiney new license will be taken away from you as soon as you’ve got ...

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What is the current drink drive limit in England?

Currently the drink drive limit is 80 milligrams of alcohol for every 100 millilitres of blood. Alternatively the limits are 35 μg per 100ml of breath or 107 mg per 100ml of urine. There has been a lot of call for England, Northern Ireland and Wales to lower their drink drive limits ...

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How do police measure drink drive levels?

When Police pull a driver over, they are usually concerned with the drivers Blood Alcohol Content or Concentration. They usually measure BAC in concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream and is measured as mass per volume. For example, using the English drink drive limit a BAC of 0.8% means the same ...

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