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What Happens If I’m Caught Driving Without Insurance?

Parked driver looking frustrated with his head in his hands

Driving a motor vehicle in a public place without insurance is classed as a serious offence, and you will be issued an IN10 Conviction. IN10 convictions are issued to people who drive without having the minimum third-party-only cover in place. Third-party-only cover means that if you are involved in an accident with another person, your insurance will cover any liability you have for damage to their vehicle or any injuries they have sustained.

The penalties for driving without insurance vary. At best, you will be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice, a £300 fine and six points on your licence. At worst, you could receive a £5,000 fine and eight points on your licence. Being caught without insurance does not result in a straight ban. However, if you already have some penalty endorsements on your licence for offences such as speeding, you may find that your points have ‘totted up’ and you end up with a ban.

However, while we do not pretend it won’t cost you more, Insurance Revolution can find affordable cover for people with driving convictions. As specialists in convicted driver insurance, we can find competitive rates for our customers where other brokers can’t.

Visit our IN10 Insurance and Convicted Driver Insurance pages for more information.