Motor Insurance Database

The Motor Insurance Database (MID) is the only central record of all insured vehicles in the United Kingdom. It is run by the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB) and used by the UK police force and DVLA to ensure all motor insurance laws are complied with. The database is updated over 10,000 times per hour and is the most important tool to make sure all vehicles on our roads are insured.

The MID provides the information for the Automatic Number Plate Recognition technology used by police, to help catch those driving with uninsured vehicles. Over 500 vehicles are seized every day by the police and one person every 3 minutes is convicted for driving without insurance.

It is of upmost importance that your vehicle is registered on the MID, or you could have your vehicle seized and face a hefty fine. If you would like to do this yourself, you can check if your vehicle is on the MID by visiting and following the instructions.

If you are a motortrader and have a vehicle that is not on the MID, you can add them yourself. Find out which insurer your policy is with and see their instructions on their website.

Tradex –

Tradewise –

Covea –

Roadrunner –

Granite –

Taxi Fleet Plus –

UK Insurance Solutions Ltd (UKIS) – Unfortunately, UKIS have gone into administration and Davies Group are now administering these policies. If you need to process a MID change, please contact our Customer Service team at or by calling 0330 808 1500 and we will submit the request on your behalf.

If your vehicle is not registered on the MID, and you would prefer us to do this for you, please refer to your terms of business agreement to find out the costs involved and we can get your vehicle registered.