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Is It Illegal For Someone Else To Take My Driving Test For Me?

Female driver looking upset after being stopped by police

In short, yes. It is illegal for anyone to impersonate the named driver and take the practical driving test, the theory test or both. This may seem like a very obvious answer, but some people get, or in some cases, pay, other people to take parts of their driving test for them.

This isn’t a great idea, not only due to the penalties for those who decide to impersonate drivers and the drivers themselves; there is also the dangerous aspect to it. Driving tests are designed to see whether people are safe to drive on the roads and not endanger the lives of other drivers, other road users and pedestrians. Getting someone else to take the test for you means that there is no way of knowing if you are going to be a danger and end up getting other people killed.

Impersonating a named driver during the practical driving test, the theory test or both is a serious offense. Those found guilty, including the impersonator and the named driver, can face criminal conviction, trial in the criminal courts, and potentially, prison sentences.

If the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) or the DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) suspect a named driver is being impersonated, they will investigate immediately. If you suspect someone is impersonating a driver, you should report it to the DVSA. Also, if you are approached by anyone offering to take either part of your driving license for you, you should report it immediately to the DVSA.

Remember, when you do pass, here at Insurance Revolution, we can help get you on the road with affordable insurance for young and inexperienced drivers.