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What Is The Current Drink Drive Limit In England?

Drunk driver waving at the camera with his window rolled down

Currently, the drink drive limit is 80 milligrams of alcohol for every 100 millilitres of blood.

Alternatively, the limits are 35 micrograms per 100ml of breath or 107 mg per 100ml of urine.

There has been a lot of call for England, Northern Ireland and Wales to lower their drink drive limits in line with Scotland as England and Wales both have some of the highest alcohol limits in Europe. The only other country with an 80 mg limit in Europe is Malta.

Scotland changed its limits on 5th December 2014 to be in line with the majority of European countries.

Some European countries such as Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic have a zero limit per 100 ml of blood.

In 2012, there were 230 deaths caused by drunk driving in the UK, with 1200 seriously injured.

Many drivers caught and convicted of drunk driving have been caught the morning after they were last drinking, as they were unaware of how long alcohol can stay in your system.

If you’ve got a drink driving conviction and are looking for drink driver insurance why not try our Drink Driver Insurance page or give us a call for a quote.