image of a car dashboard
If I Get Caught Speeding While Driving Abroad Will Points Be Added To My UK Licence?

The rules surrounding the transferring of penalty points that have been accrued abroad are quite complicated. Originally, if a European police officer stops a British driver for a motoring offence, the officer can issue an on-the-spot fine and escort the motorist to a cash point. However, under current rules, if you are flashed by a speed camera […]

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Man texting on his phone while driving
What Is Careless Driving?

A careless driving conviction is issued when a person’s driving is deemed to be below the expected standard of a reasonable and competent driver. A person can be charged with careless driving when an incident occurs due to a deliberate act, as well as an act of negligence. Examples of careless driving include reading a map and […]

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Crashed car remains
What Is Dangerous Driving?

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) defines dangerous driving as the driver’s behaviour, not what the driver believes. A driver may think they are driving safely when they are committing a dangerous driving offence. A person is considered to be driving dangerously when the way they drive falls far below the minimum acceptable standard expected of a competent and careful driver, and it would be […]

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Parked driver looking frustrated with his head in his hands
Will Criminal Convictions Affect My Car Insurance Premium

The short answer is yes. Unfortunately, some insurers and underwriters perceive those with criminal convictions as untrustworthy and, therefore, too risky to insure. But luckily, Insurance Revolution is different. At Insurance Revolution, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. While we acknowledge that a criminal conviction may impact your car insurance cost, we’re committed to finding a convicted driver insurance policy […]

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Car keys next to a spilled drink owned by a drunk driver
Will Attending A Drink Drive Rehabilitation Course Bring Down The Cost Of My Car Insurance Premium?

Technically, attending a drink-driving rehabilitation course will not reduce the cost of your car insurance premium, but it is still well worth doing. Taking a course can reduce the length of your ban, so you can get back on the road quicker. You will also be looked upon more favourably by insurers, who are often […]

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