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What Are The Drink Driving Penalties?

Female driver looking upset after being stopped by police

Many factors can change the outcome of your drink driving conviction. Some of the most common ones are below, although ultimately, the severity of your punishment is determined by a magistrate’s court.

Drink driving penalties


There are a few different fines, depending on the circumstances of your drink driving. Some of these are:

• Being in charge of a vehicle while being above the limit or being unfit to drive: £2,500 fine.

• Driving or attempting to drive while above the legal limit: An unlimited fine.

• Refusing to provide blood, urine or breath for analysis: An unlimited fine.

• Causing death when drunk driving: An unlimited fine.


Whether or not you receive a prison sentence depends on the seriousness of the offence.

• Being in charge of a vehicle while being above the limit or being unfit to drive: 3 months imprisonment.

• Driving or attempting to drive while above the legal limit: 6 months imprisonment.

• Refusing to provide a specimen of blood: 6 months imprisonment.

• Causing death when drink driving: Up to 14 years imprisonment.

Driving Bans

A driving ban alongside a drunk driving conviction is quite common, as you are deemed unfit to drive. The following factors determine the length of your driving ban:

• Being in charge of a vehicle while being above the limit or being unfit to drive: A possible ban.

• Driving or attempting to drive while above the legal limit: A driving ban of at least a year, which can be longer if you’ve been convicted twice in ten years.

• Refusing to provide a blood specimen: A possible ban of at least one year.

• Causing death by drink driving: A ban from driving for two years.

If you have just finished a driving ban and are seeking drink-driver insurance, check out our drink-driver insurance page. We can find a policy that suits your needs and get you back on the road.