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Why Is Drug Driving So Dangerous?

Parked driver looking frustrated with his head in his hands

The perils of driving when on drugs are paramount. Your senses become impaired, you become more aggressive, and you’re putting everyone else at risk, not just yourself. All drugs react to your body differently, and understanding their harmful side effects on your driving could mean the difference between life and death.

Discover the effect of drugs on your driving below and make sure you avoid putting yourself at risk on the road. We’ve taken a look at the big three to see what they do to your diving.


Cannabis can affect your driving in a few ways, even though takers of the drug widely believe it makes you a better driver. Here are some of the reasons it can negatively affect your driving:

• Slowed reaction times

• Inaccurate judgement of distance and danger

• Can cause you to be less vigilant when driving


MDMA (or Ecstasy) acts as a stimulant, causing you to become more aggressive and dangerous behind the wheel. Some other effects they have include:

• Aggressive and dangerous driving

• Poor perception of increased fatigue and tiredness

• Erratic driving and poor decision-making


Cocaine is a classic example of a drug that aggravates drivers and causes them to become more aggressive on the road. Some of the other side effects include:

• Speeding

• Poor control of your vehicle

• Aggressive driving decisions

Brush up your knowledge

If you would like to increase your knowledge of drug driving and educate yourself further on the risks associated with drug driving, then have a read of our helpful resources:

• Think by the government
