Drunk driver waving at the camera with his window rolled down
What Are Drink Driving Courses Like?

If you have been convicted of drunk driving, the judge may request that you complete a drunk driving course. What are drink-driving courses like? We’ve compiled some facts about these courses and the type of things you can expect if you attend one. You will learn all about drink driving and the law During the course, you will learn all about the […]

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A single white van driving on an empty winding road
Safety Tips For Van Drivers

Being a van driver means that your entire business depends on your van. If there’s an issue with your van, such as being involved in a car accident, it can have a detrimental effect on your business and your life as a whole. As a van driver, it’s essential that you have eyes at the back of […]

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A fleet of courier vans all parked next to each other
What Should You Look For In A Courier Company For Your Business

When choosing the right courier company to represent your business, it’s important that you gather the right information to make an informed decision. From using a delivery service that doesn’t have courier insurance to falling victim to an unreliable courier company, making the wrong choice could cost you a lot of time and money. Below are ten […]

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Parked driver looking frustrated with his head in his hands
Declaring Drink Driving Convictions

By law, customers must fully and accurately complete all of the questions on the insurance form. Previously, the law instructed customers to declare all ‘material facts’, regardless of the questions on the form. However, a recent change to the law states that it is now the insurer’s responsibility to ask the right questions. When seeking […]

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Female driver looking upset after being stopped by police
Drink Driving Myths Debunked

There are loads of myths surrounding drink driving, some of which are actually widely believed throughout the UK and beyond. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most popular drink-driving myths and why they’re rubbish. The only way to be completely certain that you’re within your limits is not to drink and drive. “If you […]

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