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Do’s And Dont’s For Promoting Your Courier Business

Man handing over the fadt food delivery to the customer

You’ve taken the plunge and started your own courier business. Congratulations! But the hard work is far from over. Now’s the time to promote your new venture.

Here are some things you should and shouldn’t do when setting up a courier business. 

What you should do:

A SWOT analysis of your business

What is a SWOT analysis? Before coming up with any marketing or promotional material for your courier business, it’s useful to perform an analysis of your business to help identify key areas on which to focus your material.

Strengths: What key strengths does your business have, and how can it benefit the local community?

Weaknesses: Identify any weaknesses that your business may have, and be sure to find solutions.

Opportunities: Ensure that you take advantage of any opportunities that will benefit your business. For example, if someone mentions in a conversation that they may need a courier in the near future, be sure to hand them your business card.

Threats: Identify any potential threats to your business. For example, is there a rival courier business in the area that you could set your prices lower than to tempt their customers?

Set up a website or blog

Many couriers don’t see the need for a website. Why spend time and effort building a website when all of your business is based in the local area? However, creating a website for your courier business could have more benefits than you think.

The vast majority of today’s businesses use websites to promote themselves. Chances are, other couriers in your area do, too, so keeping up with the competition is important. There are a wide range of easy-to-use platforms that make creating a decent-looking website easy. They won’t cost you the earth either.

Write a press release

If you want to promote your business, seek the help of the media. Write a press release and send it to your local paper or any other relevant publications.

There are various websites that show you how to write the perfect press release. The hardest part is often catching a journalist’s attention.

Create an online presence

It’s time to get social! Set up Facebook and Twitter accounts for your business and engage with potential customers through these platforms. Using social media, you can join online communities that are relevant to your local area. You could even set up some competitions to get people interested in your business.

It’s also a good idea to visit relevant online forums and post about your courier services and contact details.

The bigger the online buzz around your business, the more people will know about the courier services you provide.

Print out leaflets and flyers

Printing out leaflets and flyers doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, if you own a computer and a printer, it’s possible to create these on your own at home. Spend an evening distributing these to your local community through letterboxes, in pubs and shops, and on notice boards – you don’t know where your next customer resides!

Also, take the time to get some business cards printed. It’s worth investing in getting these made by a professional.

What you shouldn’t do:

Ignore price comparison sites

Nowadays, many potential customers turn to price comparison sites to compare prices for anything, including courier services.

Make sure that your business is registered with as many of these sites as possible; otherwise, you could miss out on valuable business opportunities.

Forget to go out there and network

Using modern methods to promote your courier business is all well and good, but more traditional marketing methods work well, too. Dress smart, be friendly, and get out there and network with like-minded people.


Whatever you do, don’t be tempted to spam potential customers. This rule applies to both online and offline promotional techniques.

Spamming people with countless Facebook posts or hundreds of leaflets will only prove to alienate them.