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Drink Driving Myths Debunked

Female driver looking upset after being stopped by police

There are loads of myths surrounding drink driving, some of which are actually widely believed throughout the UK and beyond. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most popular drink-driving myths and why they’re rubbish. The only way to be completely certain that you’re within your limits is not to drink and drive.

“If you hold your breath before the breathalyser test you’ll pass

This popular myth has been around for years and wrongly teaches people that if they hold their breath before a breathalyser test, their body will not release alcohol into the lungs, which will allow them to pass the test.

This is not true. In fact, if you hold your breath prior to taking a breathalyser test, it may even increase the concentration of alcohol in your breath.

“If you eat lots of starchy foods, it will soak up the alcohol in your system

This is partly true. Eating lots of starchy food like bread or pasta will soak up the alcohol that is in your stomach. However, this means that it will take longer for the alcohol to leave your system altogether.

“You have to drink a lot to still be over the limit the next day”

Alcohol always takes the same amount of time to leave your system, regardless of whether or not you’ve slept.

If you drink a large glass of wine, it will take around three hours for your body to break it down. If you drink a bottle of wine, it will take around 9 hours for the alcohol to leave your system completely. This is more than the average person spends asleep overnight, so if you’ve had a heavy night, you may still be over the limit the next morning.

“Drink driving is only a problem around Christmas and New Year

Surprisingly, the most common time for drinking and driving, according to the amount of arrests made, is June.

The police are just as strict about drink driving over Christmas and New Year as they are throughout the rest of the year, so it’s always good to be aware of your limits at all times.

“You have to actually be driving to be convicted

The legal definition of being drunk and in charge of a motor vehicle is as follows:

“A person is in charge of any motor vehicle on a road or other public place after consuming so much alcohol that the proportion of it in his breath, blood or urine exceeds the legal limit.”

Being in charge of a car does not mean that you have to actually be driving it. For example, you could search for something in your parked car. However, if you have your keys on you, you are still in charge of the vehicle, and face prosecution.

“Hardly anyone has an accident the morning after

Did you know that almost a quarter of fatal road crashes that happen between 6 am and 12 pm are alcohol-related? Many of these drivers are people who think they are okay to drive the morning after the night before.

If you’ve been convicted of drunk driving and would like to know more about the drunk drivers insurance we provide, check out our dedicated drunk driver insurance page.