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Who Are The Electric Car Brands To Watch Our For?

Image of a Tesla electric car in the UK

Electric cars are becoming more sophisticated all the time and the major car manufacturers are producing some very interesting and innovative designs, but there are a handful of brands that people should watch out for. 

Tesla is one of the front runners when it comes to the development of electric vehicles, producing models across a variety of classes so that you can get anything from a saloon to a little run around for the city or even a cute roadster.

Coda is a Californian based company that opened its doors in 2011 and went straight into the electric car market by developing the Coda all-electric car. A saloon/sedan sized vehicle, the Coda offers some of the best mileage when compared to other electric vehicles in its class, a huge 88 miles.

Venturi, the French Luxury Vehicle producers, have come up with some innovative and beautiful vehicles such as Volage, The Ultimate Electric GT, the America Electric Cross Over and some of the more eccentric vehicles on the electric car market – the Astrolab, and the two different models of the Eclectic.

Think are a Norwegian producer of electric cars with a 100 mile range on the THINK City, they are definitely a company worth watching out for, especially for those who are focused on metropolitan transportation.