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What Does Totting Up Mean?

Female driver looking upset after being stopped by police

Simply put, ‘totting up’ is the accumulation of penalty points on your driver’s licence. If you build up 12 points within three years, you will be issued a totting up or ‘TT99’ ban. The length of the ban is up to the court’s discretion, but it can be lengthy, depending on the nature of the driving offences and how quickly the points were totted up.

For new drivers, the rules are even more stringent. If they accumulate six points within two years of passing their test, they will face a ban. Furthermore, if they amass six points within their first two years of driving, their licences will be revoked and they will have to retake their test once their ban is over. This underscores the importance of driving responsibly from the very beginning of your driving journey.

Whether you are a new or experienced driver, it can be difficult and expensive to regain insurance once you have been banned. However, Insurance Revolution specialises in convicted driver insurance, so we can find competitively-priced cover where other brokers can’t. Visit our penalty points Insurance page for more information.