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How Many Penalty Points Will I Receive For Speeding?

Female driver looking upset after being stopped by police

Depending on the nature of the offence, what road you were on and how much you exceeded the speed limit, you will normally be issued three to six penalty points, which must remain on your licence for four years from the offence date.

As well as penalty points, you will also be issued with one of the following convictions, again, depending on the nature of your offence:

  • SP10 – Exceeding goods vehicle speed limits
  • SP20 – Exceeding speed limit for the type of vehicle (excluding goods or passenger vehicles)
  • SP30 – Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road
  • SP40 – Exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit
  • SP50 – Exceeding the speed limit on a motorway

However, if you are caught speeding excessively, you can be issued a straight ban rather than penalty points, which will impact the cost of your car insurance premium.

Whether you are returning from a driving ban or have just received the 3 points, we will be able to help you find an insurance policy that suits you. If you have accrued several motoring convictions or have been banned for ‘totting up’, Insurance Revolution can still help you find a competitive quote.

Visit our Convicted Driver Insurance and Penalty Points Insurance pages for more information or a quote.