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Whats New With Insurance Revolution

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Young Driver Insurance

Insuring a young driver for the first time can be very daunting, especially as the cost of car insurance for drivers under the age of 21 seems to increase yearly. But don’t worry, we have many options available for young drivers, none of which has to cost the earth.

One of the most cost-effective products we offer is Black Box Insurance. The scheme differs from many standard Black Box Insurance policies in that its main focus is mileage and doesn’t penalise young drivers for driving at night. As long as a driver’s mileage remains low and they stick to the speed limits, they will be offered a discount when they renew the following year. However, if Black Box or ‘telematics’ insurance is not for you, Insurance Revolution has other options available.

Visit our Young Driver Insurance and Black Box Insurance pages for more information.

Are you looking for Commercial Combined Insurance?

Our friends at Well Dunn Insurance can help. Well, Dunn specialises in commercial and business vehicle insurance and is constantly working to secure the best possible prices for its customers. As such, they have agreed to an amazing deal with one of its underwriters, enabling it to beat every Commercial Combined Insurance quote by 10% since it launched the initiative on March 1.

All you have to do is provide Well Dunn with a copy of your renewal schedule, and its commercial team will work towards securing you the best deal possible. Commercial Combined Insurance can be a highly beneficial insurance option for business owners with a large office, warehouse, or manufacturing equipment. It is essentially a package of cover that eliminates numerous renewal dates, reduces paperwork, and can save you money.

For more information or a quote, visit Well Dunn Insurance’s Commercial Combined Insurance page.