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Should I Get Top Up Fast Food Delivery Driver Insurance?

Fast food delivery driver with his bag on the passenger seat

When you are looking for Fast Food Delivery Insurance, there will no doubt be a number of things to consider. At Insurance Revolution, we sell an all-in-one policy as we believe this is easier and often cheaper for our customers instead of paying per mile.

What is a pay-per-mile or ‘top-up’ policy?

Some insurance providers in the market are able to offer a ‘top-up’ policy. Ordinarily, a customer would need to purchase a standard social, domestic and pleasure policy for their vehicle in addition to the ‘top-up’ policy.

Top-up policies charge customers per mile, but this can cost anywhere between 80p and £3 per mile, depending on the provider’s view of your driving. The insurance providers track your vehicle via a plug-in telematics device which tracks driving, considering factors such as:

  • Speed, including if you go over the speed limit,
  • The distance travelled to deliver food,
  • How heavily you brake and how quickly you take corners,
  • The time of day you are driving.

The list above is an indication but we advise customer check the policy wording for a full break down of the areas monitored by telematics devices. Once they have monitored the above points, they calculate the rate per mile you will be charged.

How much can it really cost?

As mentioned above, the price is determined once the insurance provider has assessed your driving style, ability and timings. Let’s look at some figures

Statistics from the Money Advice Service last year show that the average price of car insurance for a person in their 30s is £832. This figure assumes that the owner has five years of driving experience and five years of no-claims discount, which is based on the averages of the quotes from a selection of major UK insurers. This £832 would cover your vehicle for social, domestic, and pleasure purposes but not cover you for driving as a fast food delivery driver.

If you were driving 20 miles per week as a Fast Food Delivery Driver, you would be looking at paying an additional £64 – £240 a month, depending on the information the telematics box recorded. Over the year, this could equate to £2,880 extra for top-up Fast Food Delivery Driver Insurance a year!

All-in-One Fast Food Delivery Driver Insurance

We offer an all-in-one fast food delivery driver insurance policy meaning that you know exactly what you are paying every month or year. Our policies include social, domestic and pleasure for your day to day driving, as well as cover for your fast food delivery driving.

We find this is much simpler for drivers who know that all their insurance is covered in one place. What is more, we allow our clients to tailor their insurance from a range of policies including third party only, comprehensive and allow add-ons such as breakdown cover and legal.

You can request a quote on our website by visiting our Fast Food Delivery Driver insurance page.


80p – £3 per mile correct at the time of publishing from competitor analysis on 7th February 2020.

Statistics from the Money Advice Service found at on 7th February 2020.