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How To Drive More Economically

Image of a man driving a business car while listening to music

Are you down with the staggering costs of running your car? Are you desperately looking for help to cut fuel costs? Buying a car is a huge investment. And the ongoing expenses could take a toll on your bank balance if you are not a mindful driver. The good thing is there are several ways you can drive more economically, and it starts with you. The post below offers a handy guide on making the most of your steam without costing an arm or leg.

Check tyre pressure

Under-inflated tyres would make the car gobble up more fuel. Do you know nearly 20% of fuel gets wasted in tackling rolling resistance? Sadly, most of the car owners don’t know this simple fact. Experts always suggest checking the tyre pressure on a regular basis to watch out for under-inflated tyres. Properly inflated tyres are one of the best ways to ensure solid fuel efficiency on your rides. So, get a pressure gauge tomorrow and make sure to have weekly checks on the tyre. Replace your tyre immediately the moment you notice signs of under-inflation. You will be glad to know that the timely replacement of under-inflated tyres will save you a handy £4 per fuel tank.

Turn things not in use off

This is another important tip when you are looking to know how to drive more economically. Get into the culture of turning off things that are not in use at present. The same goes for your car. Make sure to turn the car engine off while you are stuck in congested traffic. Turn off the AC when it’s not too hot outside. You can certainly keep the air-con off while driving after sunset. You should also make it a point to switch off the heater on rare windows, headlights, and demisters while you are not using them.

The more you use them, the higher the fuel consumption would be. So, when you turn them off, even if it’s for a minute, the difference would be noticeable. Just follow it for one month and compare the fuel costs you will incur with that of the previous month. The new experience is going to be a rewarding one.

Check your speed

When you take the steering, the first thing that you would remind yourself is that “you are not a racer”. So, there is no point in storming at 80mph. It’s dangerous and uses up to 25% more fuel compared to driving at 70mph. Likewise, driving at 70mph will use 9 percent more fuel compared to wheeling at 60mph.

Smooth driving saves

Smooth driving saves both lives and money. Aggressive braking or accelerating does not add glamour or strength to your profile. It just makes you appear silly. Most importantly, reckless driving eats up fuel like anything, sometimes up to 60ƒper%. So, make sure to practice gentle acceleration when you want to drive more economically.

Moreover, when you drive safely, there is a lesser chance of collisions and fewer risks of car damage. This way, you won’t have to shell out for repair work every few weeks.

Use the right engine oil

Car owners are often not mindful of the engine oil specifications in the vehicle handbook. But you should know that when the handbook mentions a certain kind of engine oil for your car, it does so for a reason. Not all engine oils are compatible with every kind of engine. Some engines need specific lubricants to make the most of their efficiency. They cannot perform at their best if you don’t give them that. As a result, they would ask for more volume of fuel, thereby staggering your driving costs. So, be smart enough to check out the engine oil specifications in your vehicle handbook.

Regular servicing for your car

This is another important tip to note while looking to drive more economically. You must get your car checked and serviced regularly. Timely servicing keeps the car parts in first-rate condition so that they can make the most of their power. A fine-tuned engine with fresh air filters and new oil would run better than a neglected one. A more efficient engine invariably eliminates more fuel consumption than necessary to drive the car.

Stop idling

Idling is one of the major reasons behind high driving costs. When you idle unnecessarily, you waste more fuel. So, it’s better to use the car only when needed.

Reduce weight

Extra weight in a car invariably translates to additional fuel consumption. So, reduce all unnecessary weight from your car and enjoy handy savings on fuel bills each month.

Try to avoid short trips

Do you use your car to get the Sunday papers from the local corner shop? Do you know it’s one of the reasons why you are down with staggering fuel bills? Well, it’s true. When you want to drive more economically, do not use the car for short trips. Cold engines tend to use twice as much fuel as warm engines need. The result? You end up paying more for fuel every month. If you can replace short car trips with brisk walks, it would be great both for your wallet and health.

Use de-icer for a cold engine

Only a few things are as bad as a cold engine in winter months when you are in a rush. Most of us habitually leave the vehicle running for a good warm-up. Please don’t do that. It will not only expedite engine wear but also lead to unnecessary waste of fuel. The more economical option is to invest in a quality de-icer. It will eliminate the need to leave the car running for a warm-up and will also save you on fuel costs.

Economical driving is no rocket science. You just have to be a little smarter.