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Will I Struggle To Get Car Insurance If I Have Bad Credit?

A normal car is parked on a city street

Everyone makes mistakes, but past failures to keep up with monthly payments or credit agreements can make life very difficult, as they can result in a poor credit rating.

Bad credit can be a real hindrance when you try to obtain a loan or a credit card, as lenders believe you are likely to fall behind on your repayments.

The same is true when renewing car insurance, as most insurers now conduct credit checks.

While the main population of insurers will agree to insure you, they will often charge you an abnormally high premium because you have bad credit.

But Insurance Revolution is different.

We specialise in finding insurance for people who generally find it more difficult, such as people who drive for a living, people with motoring convictions and people with bad credit.

We don’t waste time judging you; instead, we focus our resources on securing the most appropriate coverage for your personal circumstances.

Insurance Revolution can also help you avoid the high premiums comparison sites will quote you due to our strong relationships with many of the UK’s leading insurers.

These relationships mean we can always negotiate to provide the best prices possible for our customers, and our staff will go the extra mile to ensure you are happy with the service we provide.

Visit our Bad Credit Insurance page for more information.