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How Many Points Do You Get For UK Driving Convictions?

The UK government categorises motoring offences with penalty points on the driver’s driving record, and the points further determine the level of penalty to be subjected to the driver. The process of sentencing penalty points on driving records for driving convictions is called endorsements, and the endorsements stay on records for, say, 4-11 years, based on the nature of the offence. The post below presents a discussion of the points you will incur on your driving record for various major driving convictions in the UK.

Before getting to the actual discussion, it must be said that each endorsement is marked by a special code that signifies the nature of the driving conviction and the penalty point for it.

Convictions related to accidents

Driving convictions related to accident offences will incur penalty points from 4-10.

Code AC10- this is for an offence related to failure to stop the car after the accident.

AC20- This is for failure to provide a report or particulars of an accident right within a day or 24 hours.

The penalty points to be incurred on both driving convictions are 5-10.

AC30- This code applies to undefined driver accident offences and would call for 4-9 penalty points.

The above codes would stay on the driving record, say, for around four years.

Convictions related to disqualified drivers

The driving convictions for disqualified drivers would incur six penalty points (BA10 & BA30)  and sometimes 3-11 points (BA40 & BA60).

Code BA10- this is for driving even when you have been disqualified from driving under court order.

BA30- this is for attempts to drive when you have been disqualified from driving under a court order

BA40- This is when a disqualified driver causes death while driving.

BA60 – This is when a disqualified driver causes severe injury while driving.

 Convictions related to careless driving

The driving convictions related to careless driving will incur 3-9 penalty points (CD10-CD30)and 3-11 penalty points (CD40-CD90).

CD10- this is for driving without attention & due care

CD20- this is for driving without paying reasonable consideration & thought for others on the road.

CD30- this is for driving without paying reasonable consideration & thought for others on the road or driving without attention & due care.

CD40- this is when a death is caused by a careless drunk driver.

CD50- this is when a death is caused by a careless driver under the influence of drugs.

CD60- this is when a death is caused by a careless driver whose BAC level is beyond the set limit.

CD70- this is when a death is caused by a careless driver & who further fails to offer the needed specimen for the right alcohol analysis.

CD80- this is when a death is caused by inconsiderate & careless driving.

CD90- this is when a death is caused by unlicensed, uninsured or disqualified driver.

Convictions related to defective vehicle construction & use

The driving convictions related to defective vehicle construction & use will incur three penalty points.

CU10- this is for using a car with defective brakes.

CU20- this code will apply if you are driving either with a vehicle with accessories or parts in a dangerous state or an unsuitable vehicle – that can cause or cause danger on the road.

CU30- This is for driving vehicles carrying defective tyres.

CU40- This is for driving vehicles carrying defective steering.

CU50- This code will apply if your vehicle causes danger or carries chances to do so given exceeding passengers or cargo inside.

CU80- This code will apply when there is a requirement breach regarding the control of your vehicle or cell phone.

Convictions due to dangerous or reckless driving

The driving convictions from rash driving will incur 3-9 penalty points (DD90) and 3-11 points (DD10, 40, 60 & 80).

DD10- This is for dangerous driving, leading to serious injury.

DD40- this is for plain dangerous driving.

DD60- this is for culpable homicide or manslaughter while behind the steering.

DD80- This is for dangerous driving leading to death.

DD90- this is for furious driving.

Convictions related to drunken driving

The motoring convictions related to drunken driving would involve 4 (DR70), 10 (DR61, 40, 50 & 60) and 3-11 points (DR10, 20, 30 & 31).

DR10- Attempt to drive or drive while under the influence of alcohol beyond the BAC limit.

DR20- Attempt to drive or drive whilst unfit given alcohol consumption.

DR30- Attempt to drive or drive while under alcohol & then failure to offer specimen for right analysis.

DR31- Attempt to drive or drive while under alcohol & refusing to offer permission for blood sample analysis.

DR61- Refusing to offer permission for blood sample analysis.

DR40- This will apply if a vehicle is under your charge while you are drunk with an alcohol level exceeding the set limit.

DR50- This will apply if a vehicle is under your charge while you are drunk & unfit.

DR60- this will apply when you fail to offer specimens needed for analysis, even when you are not driving.

DR70- this will apply when the driver is unable to provide a breath test specimen.

Convictions related to driving drugs

The motoring convictions related to driving under drugs will incur 3-11 points (DG10, 60 & DR80) and 10 points (DG 40 & DR90).

DG10- Attempt to drive or drive while under the influence of a drug beyond the set limit.

DG60- Careless driving while under the drug limit beyond the set level that results in death.

DR80- Attempt to drive or drive whilst unfit given drug consumption.

DG40- This will apply if a vehicle is under your charge while you have consumed a drug exceeding the set limit.

DR90- This will apply if a vehicle is under your charge while you are under the influence of drugs & unfit.

Convictions regarding license offences

The motoring convictions regarding driving license offences will incur 3-6 penalty points.

LC20- not driving according to license.

LC30- driving after false fitness report during license application.

LC40- driving vehicle without notifying disability.

LC50- driving even if a licence is refused or revoked under medical grounds