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Courier Blog Series Top 10 Pieces Of Kit Needed To Be A Courier Driver

Fast food delivery driver with his bag on the passenger seat

In addition to your mode of transportation – a van, car, motorcycle or bicycle – there are several other items that courier drivers should carry with them at all times. While the size of the vehicle and length of the route may determine how much each driver is able to carry, the following are basics that will help you perform your job more efficiently and keep you safe in case of an emergency.

Means of Communication

Most businesses provide their drivers with a means of communication, whether it’s a mobile phone or walkie-talkie. When out on the road, it’s necessary to stay in contact with the dispatcher, customers, and emergency services. Always carry a phone charger and a backup phone.

Satellite Navigation System

Even if you know the area in which you drive, you should always have satellite navigation. Not only will it prevent you from getting lost, but it can also help you find alternate routes in the event of heavy traffic jams, accidents, and roadwork.

Map of the Area

Always carry an extra map of the area in which you work. It’s great to have a map on hand just in case your satellite navigation does not work, or you are not able to locate a destination.

Emergency Car Kit

All drivers should have an emergency kit in their car. The kit should consist of non-perishable food, water, a torch, a pocket knife, a blanket, and matches. Additionally, warning triangles, flares, and a fluorescent jacket or vest should be kept in case you are involved in an accident or stranded on the road.

License and Proof of Insurance

Always keep extra copies of your license, registration and insurance, as well as any other documents regarding your employment and any restrictions or special permits related to your car and ability to drive on the road.

Protection against the Elements

Drivers who spend a lot of time on the road are at a greater risk of incurring sun damage. Even when it is overcast, wear sunblock and sunglasses, and cover the right side of your body. Drivers should also be prepared for inclement weather. Wear boots or shoes that are comfortable and that have good traction on icy streets. Also, keep an extra jacket, gloves, hat, and scarf.

Notebook, Laptop or Tablet

How ever you choose to track your route, packages, and deliveries, be sure to keep things organized. Many people rely on laptops and small tablets to track their deliveries and file paperwork. Installing satellite internet can also be beneficial, so you have access at all times, no matter where you are.

Camera/Video Camera

With more readily available and affordable technology, many drivers are installing video cameras in their cars. They serve as a great security system in case there is theft or vandalism, and they serve as proof of accidents. Cameras, whether disposable or on a phone, are also good for documenting accidents or damage to your vehicle or packages.

Spare Tyre

Make sure that you have a spare tyre and that it is in good condition. Drivers should also know how to change a tyre.

Car Fluids

Those who drive extended distances or may be gone for multiple days at a time will want to ensure their vans are fully serviced and that the fluids are topped up. Just in case, it’s a good idea to carry extra washer fluid, gas and even engine oil.