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5 Ridiculous Excuses For Drink Driving

Car keys next to a spilled drink owned by a drunk driver

It’s summer, and that means lots of BBQs, beach parties and festivals. It also means that thousands of people will risk driving home when they’ve had too much to drink. We’ve put together a list of some of the most ridiculous but ever-popular excuses for drunk driving and why they don’t work.

“I have a high tolerance, and I’m a great driver after a few drinks.”

Even if you have a higher tolerance than most people, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re safe to drive after a few drinks. Many people with a higher tolerance have been known to drink more during the evening than their peers and so have ended up being just as drunk when it’s time to go home.

Experts recommend that you should not drink at all if you are driving. If you are going to drink, however, we advise that you do this while eating and just stick to the maximum number of units you should have before driving. This will help avoid any confusion about what could be considered a ‘safe’ amount for you to have.

“The taxi didn’t show up, and I got tired of waiting.”

We’ve all been there. You’ve had a few drinks with friends, and now you’re waiting for the taxi to come and pick you up so you can go home, but it seems to be taking forever.

If this happens, don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and ask where your taxi is, or even use another firm if it gets past a certain amount of time. Just don’t get behind the wheel. Even if you feel like you might be safe, you could end up having your licence revoked or worse.

“I ran out of beer.”

Believe it or not, this is a genuine excuse that has actually been used. You shouldn’t be using your car to get more beer if you’re already drunk.

There are a variety of alcohol delivery services that you can use if you run out of beer at a party. Just Google them to see if there’s one in your local area. Some of them are even on popular takeaway delivery apps nowadays.

“I’m the most sober one out of my friends.”

If you’re the designated driver, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t really be drinking at all. If you have one too many, just leave your car and call a taxi for you and your friends, they will thank you for it in the morning.

“I’ve only had a couple.”

This goes back to knowing your limits. Some people can have two drinks and be under the limit; others don’t have a tolerance that high.

If you’ve had two drinks, it’s best to just call a taxi. This might sound like a waste of money or time waiting around for it to arrive, but the benefits strongly outweigh the disadvantages in this situation.

What are the consequences of drunk driving?

If you’re caught drink driving, you will get a conviction on your licence that will stay there for 11 years. There’s also a strong chance that you’ll be banned from driving for a year, so if you use your car for work, it could also cost you your job.

Having a conviction on your licence means once you are back on the road you will need to seek specialist drink driver insurance companies.

If you want to learn more about our specialised drink driver insurance, visit our dedicated website page.

Most people who are caught drink-driving are not serial offenders. They have simply misjudged their limits or decided to drink drive ‘just this once’. We know people make mistakes, and this is why we don’t judge anyone and can help find you a drink-driver insurance policy that suits your needs.