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Gable Insurance

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As of November 17th, 2016, Gable Insurance went into liquidation after PwC sent them a winding-up order. As such, all Gable clients will need to find new insurance to ensure their coverage is live and will not be affected.

The company is now in the hands of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which has come in to help Gabel customers and is working to find the best way to compensate customers who have a claim in process.

The FSCS has also told Gabel to inform their brokers to find alternative coverage for their customers before their policies finish on December 16th.

If you are a customer of ours and your policy is with Gable Insurance, we strongly encourage you to contact us on 0300 808 1500. Your policy is important to us and we are here to assist you during this transition.