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Autumn Car Tips From Insurance Revolution

Man in a garage working underneath a raised car

With the remnants of Hurricane Gonzalo hitting the UK today, now is as good a time as any to check that your vehicle is in tip-top condition before winter sets in.

Our helpful guide will ensure your car will survive the winter, but if you are not confident doing some of the checks yourself, contact your nearest garage or MOT station.


Not only do you get better fuel economy out of fully inflated tyres, but it is also a legal requirement that your vehicle’s tyres have more than 1.6mm tread. If you are close to the limit, we would advise you to replace your tyres now. If you are caught by the police with tyres below the legal limit, you could be looking at three points per tyre, which may result in losing your license and being off the road for a considerable time.


So your tyres are working, but we all know that your brakes need to be in top condition, too. If you notice your brakes feel different at any point when driving, head straight to a garage. The last thing you need is to hit another car when you fail to stop.


This is a simple one. Do they all work? Park your car somewhere safe and give them a try. You can put on your hazards and walk around your vehicle to make sure it is lit up like the Blackpool illuminations. If a bulb isn’t working, then get it replaced. Not only will a garage do it, but car parts shops are usually willing to help install new bulbs for a low price.


If you ever find yourself stranded in bad weather, your battery will become your best friend ­– helping you to keep warm, your phone charged and entertained by the radio. Make sure the terminals on the top look clear and free of dirt. If it looks like it might not be right, take it to a car parts shop and get the opinion of one of its staff.


Have you chipped your windscreen? If so, fill those chips before the water and ice get into them and worsen them. Most of the time, these repairs are covered by your insurance and are free as long as you fix them sooner rather than later.

Windscreen Wipers

Now that your windscreen is okay, check the wipers. Are they cracked or looking a bit worse for wear? Get them replaced. It’s easy to do yourself, but again, a car parts shop would probably be happy to help you out for a small fee or even free.


We have all been driving through the gritty streets and realised that our screens are covered in a horrid salty film. Ensure your screen wash is topped up and has anti-freeze to help you see more clearly.


You might not know this, but in the winter months, your engine’s coolant liquid needs anti-freeze to make sure it doesn’t freeze when it gets cold. Make sure that yours is topped up with the correct concentration to keep you on the road.

This is not an exhaustive list, but it should help you stay motoring through the winter months. As we have said earlier, most garages offer a winter car check if you don’t feel confident doing the checks yourself.