Professional Sports Car Insurance

Man driving a flash yellow sports car

What is your sport? Golf? Rugby? Hockey? Archery? If you are a professional sports person, you probably need your car to keep you on the move. From attending training sessions to public appearances and even just enjoying yourself in your spare time. You car means a lot to you.

We know that some insurers think of sports people as ‘high risk’ but we don’t agree. That is why we have spoken the insurers we work with and explained to them that you shouldn’t be tarred with the same brush as some of your more wreckless peers.

Who are Insurance Revolution?

We are an insurance brokers with staff working in Manchester City Centre. We are part of Well Dunn Limited who are specialists in business insurances and business vehicles. All of our staff are well trained and have been working in the insurance industry for over 5 years so they know what they are doing and how best to insure you.

Can I get a courtesy car if my vehicle is off the road?

Yes. We can arrange for a courtesy vehicle whilst you wait for yours to be repaired. What’s more we have a 24 hours claims line available for you to report any accidents as and when it happens to make sure everything moves smoothly.

If I need to take my vehicle abroad, do I need to tell you?

Yes, by telling us we will make sure that you have the right cover in place to do so.